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What is a Shadow Box Frame?

Submitted by WhiteWall Team

Photographers are constantly searching for fresh and inventive methods to display their work. A method for doing this is by using shadow box frames.

A shadow box frame is a particular style of picture frame that is deeper than a typical frame, enabling you to show your photo with a more immersive sense of depth to produce a 3D appearance. For a more distinctive and captivating presentation of your images, shadow box frames are especially popular.

When creating a shadow box frame for your photographs, we recommend using a mat (or flying passe-partout) to create a layered effect and help your photograph stand out.

The size and orientation of your photo should be taken into account when choosing a shadow box frame. Moreover, consider how the color and design of the frame will work with the subject matter of your picture.

Once your shadow box frame is put together, it's crucial to display it in a way that brings out its greatest features. It might be shown in this way by being hung up on a wall, set on a shelf, or even included in a bigger installation or exhibit.

In conclusion, at WhiteWall, we have a variety of shadow box frames that can assist you in creating a unique piece that is guaranteed to catch the eye of everybody who sees it. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice hobbyist, presenting your photos in a shadow box frame can be a terrific way to make them stand out and have more significance. To find out more about our shadow box frames and how we can assist you in designing a magnificent presentation for your photos, visit our shop.

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